Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hi Neighbors,


I've been thinking about how great it would be to have a block party to create a space for neighbors to get to know each other across generations and cultures, and to build/strengthen a sense of community and neighborhood cohesiveness.  Relationships are the foundation for social justice.  

I would love to get to know my neighbors better and a block party is a fun, casual way to do that. 


I live on Boylston near Amory and while it would be tough to close Boylston St., the party could be on Brookside, Germania or even in the Brewery parking lot.  


Thoughts?  Is anyone interested in helping to get this party started?





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I think that's an awesome idea. I'm on Germania and some neighbors and I have kicked around the idea of doing a blockparty (maybe even combine it with a neighborhood pickup day).

How should we start this? Planning committee? Is the Brookside Neighborhood Association still around?

Germania is pretty easy to cordon off. The Brewery would be nice too (get Sam Adams to host it).

Regardless of the details, I'm in and happy to help organize.
Hey Ben,

Thanks for your message and for wanting to help organize! The Brookside NA is still around, but I don't personally know anyone involved. They do have a Facebook page: It would be great to connect with them or another local org, like JPNDC.

Putting together a small planning group makes sense. Perhaps you and I could meet to discuss the details.
If you could shoot me an email at, we can set up a time to meet and brainstorm some ideas.


I'd love to come. I can also try and canvas my Brookside and Ophir Street neighbors to come. While reading your post I was reminded of another time when the Brookside Neighborhood Assoc. used to sponsor an annual neighborhood picnic at Flaherty Playground. Richie Harris "ran" the neighborhood association and given his status the city's movers and shakers would show up to meet voters and get their picture in the newspaper. I remember one year Ray Flynn brought along an unknown politician laying political groundwork for something or other, named...Bill Clinton. I love your idea and keep us posted!
Hi Scott,

That's awesome! Thanks for your offer to rally folks to attend - that will be super helpful. I'll definitely keep you posted!




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