Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

My neighbor and I witnessed a hit & run at 239-241 Amory St a little while ago. The police have been called twice and say they can't do anything about it. Are they kidding? Here's the info we gave them:

Late 90's Sea Foam green Ford Explorer MA plate # 719XCO hit Green Honda Accord plate number 99Jc71. The Explorer is now double parked on Jess St. The driver is approx 6' caucasian male driver with brown hair... went into 6 Porter (Yellow 3 Story apartment building w/ Green door).

This is the same response (basically) I got from the police about a year ago when my car got hit & run. The perp grazed my car and then totaled the car behind me. I followed the lame car on foot to the Brewery parking lot and kept calling the police. Eventually, the driver got away and I couldn't follow. The police did not come to take my report for 3 HOURS!

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Replies to This Discussion

You should contact Sgt. Eric Krause (search for "krause" in the upper right hand corner or email:

Also, you can call or emal the E13 community officer, Carlos Lara. He is very responsive and helpful in my experience.( )

You may also want to call our City Councilman;s office (John Tobin).
Will call 617-343-5630 and ask for the Duty Supervisor.
I just sent a request to find out what happened with this 911 call. A report should have been taken, however we can not make an arrest for a Hit & Run when there is only property damage. An officer can take a report and file for court action if there is probable cause to charge an individual. I'll look into it and get back to you. Also, sometimes our Operations Division does hold calls for basic reports if cars are tied up on other matters.


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