Neighbors for Neighbors

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JP Petitioning for IRV: Voter Choice Massachusetts

Event Details

JP Petitioning for IRV: Voter Choice Massachusetts

Time: October 17, 2009 from 1pm to 4pm
Location: JP LICKS
Street: Centre Street
City/Town: Jamaica Plains
Website or Map:
Phone: 617 429-9168
Event Type: street, work
Organized By: Diane Whitehouse / Adam Friedman
Latest Activity: Oct 14, 2009

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Event Description

An opportunity which puts ordinary people in the process of democracy..

I have made a pledge to get 200 signatures and I would like all of you to make a pledge to get signatures too. There will be a training and you will have a partner to work with.. It's wonderfully empowering of yourself and others in the political process...


Led by Martin Bourqi at 972-951-3365, Citizens for Voter Choice MA, and his local petition team, this weekly contingent will gather signatures and volunteers from the good people of Boston, focusing on the Jamaica Plain neighborhood.

With its history steeped in lively progressive politics, Jamaica Plain serves as a VERY receptive audience to our work.

Instant Runoff Voting.. is an I&R (Initiative and Referendum) we are working to bring to a vote in 2010. WE NEED 100,000 signatures by November 19
What is Ranked Choice Voting?

Ranked Choice Voting, which is also known as Instant Runoff Voting, would let voters rank candidates in order of preference (first, second, third, etc.) instead of being restricted to choosing only one candidate. If a voter's first choice is eliminated, their vote is automatically reassigned to their second choice, ensuring that no voter is "throwing their vote away" by voting for the candidate that represents their views, regardless of that candidate's chance of winning
Gather signatures. Meet cool people. Work as a team. Get Voter Choice on the ballot!


Led by Martin Bourqi, Citizens for Voter Choice MA, and his local petition team, this weekly contingent will gather signatures and volunteers from the good people of Boston, focusing on the Jamaica Plain neighborhood.

With its history steeped in lively progressive politics, Jamaica Plain serves as a VERY receptive audience to our work.

Drop in and join us any time between 1 and 4pm (and probably later, too).

We'll begin at JP Licks, and send some people to walk down Centre Street and into the surrounding areas.

*Note: All are welcome, though we strongly encourage team members to set their starting goal as 100 signatures for the course of the campaign. Completing this goal takes about 4-6 total hours.*

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