Neighbors for Neighbors

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Mia Dyson "Special Performance"

Event Details

Mia Dyson "Special Performance"

Time: June 11, 2009 at 10:30pm to June 12, 2009 at 1am
Location: The Alchemist Lounge
Street: 435 South Huntington Avenue
City/Town: Jamaica Plain
Website or Map:
Phone: 617-477-5741
Event Type: indie, folk, blues
Organized By: Lyndon
Latest Activity: Jun 9, 2009

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Event Description

Mia Dyson "Special Performance"
Address: 435 South Huntington Avenue
City: Jamaica Plain
Country: US
Zip Code: 02130
Cost: always Free
Description: "Mia Dyson is an amazing talent. She had a variety of guitars scattered around her, which she swapped all through the night and sang. She was amazing. They all were, but she stood out." ABC Online The Broad Tour "She’s a guitarist, songwriter and singer, but it’s her voice - more guttural than just gravelly, more touched than merely smoky - that is the show stopper. Skinny young white girls aren’t supposed to sound this big, soulful and black.” (The Basement) Weekend Edition SMH When Mia Dyson packed her guitars, her band and a portable recording studio into her car and headed out to a friends mud brick house in Daylesford Victoria, she had no idea she was about to make one of the most talked about debut albums of 2003. Cold Water was nominated for an ARIA award and jettisoned the then 22 year-old into a continuous touring schedule both here and overseas. Taking in major festivals such as the East Coast Blues and Roots, Falls, Womadelaide, NXNE in Canada and The Edinburgh Festival in Scotland, Mia was wholeheartedly embraced by audiences and critics alike.

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