Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

  • Female
  • Jamaica Plain, MA
  • United States
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Caro's Friends

  • Sgt. Eric Krause
  • Lorna Moritz
  • Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)

Caro's Discussions

Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dana Ortegon May 4, 2011. 18 Replies

Hi Neighbors,In JP there is a gardening gap! Waiting lists for community gardens are YEARS long! Obviously, some people in JP want to grow flowers and veggies but don't have space at home, and don't…Continue

Tags: Local, Food, Share, Community, Gardening


Caro's Page

Latest Activity

Dana Ortegon replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Hi, all: I have a large, sunny back yard and side yard that are dying to be farmed. I'm willing to invest time, sweat, and money if someone else has some gardening expertise.   My ultimate goal would be to have fruit, vegetables, a chicken…"
May 4, 2011
Julia Negele replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Hi all,  If any of you are eager to get some hands-on experience in pond-building this weekend, please come by to check out this exciting workshop this weekend: Please come and join us for a fun weekend long community building workshop at…"
Apr 27, 2011
Julia Negele replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"An amendment to my earlier post:  the best way to let us know you're interested in volunteering in the garden is to hop on our waitlist, which also serves as the volunteer contact list. One of us will let you know when there are garden…"
Apr 12, 2011
Julia Negele replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Hello gardeners and aspiring gardeners (and aspiring gardens?) Finally following up on this thread.  The waitlist at the Lamartine/Hubbard Streets Community garden is longer than ever this year (30 people on the list; 17 plots total; 0 turning…"
Apr 12, 2011
Lorna Moritz replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Hello Gardeners:  It's time to start preparing the garden for planting in May.  I still have a very large garden plot in Dedham on the W Roxbury line (near Home Depot) that I would be willing to share with other gardeners.  I…"
Mar 31, 2011
Daniel Verinder replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Also,  if you come across abandoned lots, it might not hurt to do a little research and consider gardening there. There are certain homesteading laws that allow you to take ownership of certain abandoned property if you improve/maintain its…"
Mar 31, 2011
Daniel Verinder replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"What a great idea! For those not able to take advantage of this exchange, here are a few alternatives: 1. The Food Project offers raised beds and will soon offer container gardening kits, for those with limited…"
Mar 31, 2011
Simca Horwitz replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"This is a great idea!  I am a former organic farmer who is apartment bound and would love a place to grow veggies and would be happy to share gardening tips and/or veggies with anyone who has available, sunny land in JP."
Feb 28, 2011
Gregory L Caplan replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Thanks for this discussion and thanks Julia for the idea!! I would be on the seeking a plot end of this. At my place the main crop currently is colossal oak trees.   I've heard that there are some professionals with varying levels of…"
Feb 18, 2011
Caro updated their profile photo
Jan 16, 2011
Caro and Lorna Moritz are now friends
Jul 15, 2010
Caro replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Hey everyone! I wasn't following for a little while. This is great to know! I will get in touch with some folks I know looking for a place to garden and follow up with those of you who have posted that you have some space to share! Thanks!"
Jul 15, 2010
Lorna Moritz replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Interesting that a number of people with space have responded, but no one who wants to garden that doesn't have space. Have you had a chance to let your wait list people know?"
Jul 15, 2010
Nevart Hamamjian replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"My neighbor and I have a small yard on Green Street (near Centre) that we would be willing to share. It's a great fenced-in space with sun and shade. Hope you're interested!"
Jul 15, 2010
Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"Lorna, you rock!"
Jul 1, 2010
Lorna Moritz replied to Caro's discussion Gardener-to-Lawn Matching Service
"As a former resident of JP, I am still an NFN member. I have a huge garden both vegetable and flower in my yard that I find it hard to keep up with. I used to share with a neighbor but he has family issues now that prevent him from having the time…"
Jul 1, 2010

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Meeting my Neighbors
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Gardening thru Refugee Organizations

Caro's Blog

Car alarm going off for 4.5 hours

Posted on July 15, 2010 at 4:29pm 1 Comment

There has been a car alarm going off a few houses away from mine (on Wyman Street) since noon today. It is 4:30 now. THREE different people have called the police, and one person told an officer passing by in his car. No one has come to check it out. We are going completely crazy! It is too hot to close the windows.

It is a dark green SUV, license plate F63765.

Where is the BPD?

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At 4:54pm on July 15, 2010, Captain John Greland said…
the police are there now-4:55pm
At 3:33pm on February 26, 2010, Erin Scott -- Community Manager said…
Hi Caro,

Welcome neighbor!

Thanks for joining us on Jamaica Plain's soundboard for voices and springboard for action!

Now that you've joined, please read, post, reply, think about, share, attend, and create anything you wish - if something does not exist that you want - START IT!

Please do take the Neighbor Tour on the front page - it's a video right smack at the middle at the top.

Then please read the blog - When to add a Blog, Forum Discussion, Group, and Event to get a sense of where to share what content.

We're a volunteer run community group run by and for each other. Check out the Community Advocates group for roles that need to be filled and also check out the JP Volunteers group to find out what other organization in JP need help with.

We'd also really appreciate it if you'd invited your JP friends and neighbors to join us. You can do that here -

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If you have questions about navigating the site, feel free to "friend" me and send me a note/comment!

All the best,
Your Neighbor,
At 10:40am on February 22, 2010, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Welcome Caro,

Good too see you last night. Please feel free to share you work with us here on NFN and enroll community member in your vision.

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