Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Jullieanne Doherty
  • Female
  • Jamaica Plain, MA
  • United States
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Jullieanne Doherty's Friends

  • dorothea Keeling
  • Felix G. Arroyo
  • Chad Baker
  • Pete Stidman
  • Dave Baron

Jullieanne Doherty's Page

Latest Activity

Jullieanne Doherty's event was featured

TOMORROW: Mayor Menino's JP COFFEE HOUR! at Brewer Burroughs Park (playground between Burroughs & Eliot St.)

May 8, 2013 from 9:30am to 10:30am
To my JP leaders and neighbors::Just a friendly - and full of excitement - reminder that TOMORROW from 9:30-10:30am Mayor Menino will have his Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Coffee Hour at Brewer Burroughs Park, the playground between Burroughs & Eliot St. This is a free event and open to all residents to come out and meet the Mayor for coffee and receive a free plant from the Mayor! I am encouraging all neighbors to remind their school groups, seniors and church groups to come out for what…See More
May 7, 2013
Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) liked Jullieanne Doherty's event TOMORROW: Mayor Menino's JP COFFEE HOUR!
May 7, 2013
Jullieanne Doherty posted an event

TOMORROW: Mayor Menino's JP COFFEE HOUR! at Brewer Burroughs Park (playground between Burroughs & Eliot St.)

May 8, 2013 from 9:30am to 10:30am
To my JP leaders and neighbors::Just a friendly - and full of excitement - reminder that TOMORROW from 9:30-10:30am Mayor Menino will have his Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Coffee Hour at Brewer Burroughs Park, the playground between Burroughs & Eliot St. This is a free event and open to all residents to come out and meet the Mayor for coffee and receive a free plant from the Mayor! I am encouraging all neighbors to remind their school groups, seniors and church groups to come out for what…See More
May 7, 2013
Monica A. Briggs liked Jullieanne Doherty's blog post Boston Shines 2011
Apr 20, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty's blog post was featured

Boston Shines 2011

Happy Spring Neighbors! With spring quickly opening up, it is time again to think about the yearly community Clean-Up. This year's annual BOSTON SHINES is the last Saturday morning in April: Saturday, April 30, 2011. This event has become a tradition, we invite you and your organization to really enable Jamaica Plain to shine during 2011. Please call Jullieanne Doherty at (617)635-4855 by THIS FRIDAY, April 15th if you are interested signing up as an individual or your JP: crime watch,…See More
Apr 13, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty posted a blog post

Boston Shines 2011

Happy Spring Neighbors! With spring quickly opening up, it is time again to think about the yearly community Clean-Up. This year's annual BOSTON SHINES is the last Saturday morning in April: Saturday, April 30, 2011. This event has become a tradition, we invite you and your organization to really enable Jamaica Plain to shine during 2011. Please call Jullieanne Doherty at (617)635-4855 by THIS FRIDAY, April 15th if you are interested signing up as an individual or your JP: crime watch,…See More
Apr 13, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty posted an event

Boston Shines 2011 at Jamaica Plain

April 13, 2011 from 6pm to 7pm
Happy Spring Neighbors! With spring quickly opening up, it is time again to think about the yearly community Clean-Up. This year's annual BOSTON SHINES is the last Saturday morning in April: Saturday, April 30, 2011. This event has become a tradition, we invite you and your organization to really enable Jamaica Plain to shine during 2011. Please call Jullieanne Doherty at (617)635-4855 by THIS FRIDAY, April 15th if you are interested signing up as an individual or your JP: crime watch,…See More
Apr 13, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty was featured
Mar 19, 2011
Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) liked Jullieanne Doherty's blog post April 6: Public Information Meeting for the Casey Overpass Project
Mar 19, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty joined Sarah and Marc Beaulieu's group

JP Musicians

A landing pad for information for and about the amazing community of musicians in the Jamaica Plain, MA zone.
Mar 15, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty joined The Jamaica Plain Forum's group

The Jamaica Plain Forum

The Jamaica Plain Forum is a series of free community discussions, workshops and films on the great issues of our community, and our world. We feature local and national heroes. Sign up for event announcements on our website.See More
Mar 15, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty joined Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s group
Mar 15, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty joined Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s group

Hyde/Jackson South Neighborhood

A group of neighbors who live in Jamaica Plain, MA Between Centre, Lamartine and Boylston.
Mar 15, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty joined Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s group

Central Jamaica Plain

Join this group if you live between Centre and Lamartine and Boylston and Green.
Mar 15, 2011
Jullieanne Doherty posted a blog post

April 6: Public Information Meeting for the Casey Overpass Project

To my JP neighbors, friends, activists and constitutes: The Massachusetts Department of TransportationInvites you to a Public Information Meetingfor the Casey Overpass ProjectWednesday, April 6, 20116:00 PM‐6:30 PM ‐ Open House6:30‐8:30 PM ‐ Public Information MeetingAgassiz School Community Center20 Child Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is initiating a study of alternatives to replace the existing Monsignor William J. Casey Overpass. The…See More
Mar 15, 2011

Profile Information

Which of the following are of interest to you?
Meeting my Neighbors, Helping to Coordinate a Street Social, Helping to Coordinate and Promote a Community Organizing Expo
How long have you lived or worked in your neighborhood? (Private)
More than five yrs
If you volunteer for or work at a non-profit or community group what is the name?
Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services

Jullieanne Doherty's Blog

Boston Shines 2011

Posted on April 13, 2011 at 4:55pm 1 Comment

Happy Spring Neighbors!


With spring quickly opening up, it is time again to think about the yearly community Clean-Up. This year's annual BOSTON SHINES is the last Saturday morning in April: Saturday, April 30, 2011.


This event has…


April 6: Public Information Meeting for the Casey Overpass Project

Posted on March 15, 2011 at 3:15pm 0 Comments

To my JP neighbors, friends, activists and constitutes:


The Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Invites you to a Public Information Meeting

for the Casey Overpass Project…


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At 1:20pm on February 28, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…

Awesome! Welcome.

Feel free to post a blog post to introduce yourself!


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