Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Tis the seaon to be Jolly but not if your home or car gets broken into.  We have seen an increase of residential and vehicle breaking and entering.  We are seeing a lot of electronics stolen, especially laptops from homes.  Macs are very popular.  We advise keeping your laptops and other valuables out of plain sight and secured while you are away from home. Many of the recent breaks have occured through unlocked side windows. 


Call 911 to report suspicious persons.


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Comment by Sgt. Eric Krause on December 22, 2011 at 9:45am

What I usually advise is to call 911 if there is a suspicious person on your or your neighbor's private property if that person looks like he/she is using the recycling goods as an excuse to look around the property.  If this is the same person who comes back week after week looking for bottles, cans or other items on trash day then there may be no problem. 

We just had an arrest for a residential breaking and entering a few days ago on Peter Parley Road.  The suspect walked into several back yards banging on doors.  The suspect tried to force his way into a back door when no one answered.  This is a perfect example of when to call 911.  If you see a stranger walking into back yards, checking windows, doors, knocking on doors to determine if anyone is home, etc..please call.

Comment by Brandon Abbs on December 20, 2011 at 7:44pm
My wife called to report a suspicious person on our neighbor's property going through the recycling and the 911 dispatcher asked her what she wanted the police to do about it. This week they came back with a truck.

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