Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


Mike's Fitness JP

MIKE’S FITNESS offers a state-of-the-art facility conveniently located at the Samuel Adams Brewery Complex just one block from the Stony Brook T-Station in Jamaica Plain.

Location: 284 Amory St. Jamaica Plain Boston, MA 02130
Members: 42
Latest Activity: May 30, 2011


Get a discount and support Neighbors for Neighbors`

Did you know almost all of our operating cost are covering by member donations to NFN to get a discount at Mike's Fitness?

September Special: Get 3 Months for $99. Save $60 when you donate $15 to NFN.
New memberships only. Click here now to make your donation!.

Because you'll receive a benefit for this donation it is not tax-deductible.

Print your receipt (on recycled or on the other side of scrap paper if you can) and bring it into Mikes!

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Mike's Fitness JP to add comments!

Comment by Pascale Martineau on June 22, 2010 at 6:38pm
Question for the masses. I know that JuiceHuggers was at the gym this for past weekend's open house. Can anyone on the board tell me where JH is sold locally?
Thank in advance
Comment by Catlin Rockman on June 22, 2010 at 12:18pm
I have been working out with Jackie Pezzolesi at mike's Fitness for just over a year. She is extremely talented; uses the newest training methods that are far better and more fun than the retro- weight circuit system. With the use of sandbags, kettle bells, bands, ropes, medicine balls, and resistance training, she has targeted every muscle in my body to work dynamically, in movement, in ways the body needs to throughout life. I have never been so strong and fast and I no longer have any of my former knee problems due to now having well developed leg muscles. Jackie is creative in her approach, keeps you highly motivated, and best of all, the training is FUN! Check her out here: - Go for it. Catlin
Comment by Erin Scott -- Community Manager on June 11, 2010 at 8:16pm
I'm excited to be teaching TURBO KICK at Mike's Fitness Jamaica Plain this summer. Join me every Saturday at 10am!

Turbo Kick® offers an addictive cardio workout that combines shadow boxing, kickboxing, sports drills and simple dance moves in a party atmosphere. Turbo Kick® is an interval-based class for participants of any fitness level. It combines the best of two worlds: Group Exercise and Martial Arts. No equipment needed!

Hope to see you there!

Join the PARTY every Saturday this summer at Mike's!!
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on September 2, 2009 at 7:06pm
99 buckaroos for three months at Mikes is Back - September only!
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on April 9, 2009 at 3:27pm
The NFN Deal of $99 for three months has been extended through April!
Comment by Catherine Rosseel on April 1, 2009 at 6:22am
i love rae barak of barakfit at mike's. he is super knowlegeable and great to work with. my friend has been with him for 6 months or so and feels like she's in great shape. lost 20lbs. has more energy, etc.
Comment by Zillah Glory on April 1, 2009 at 6:10am
they are a great group. i wish i knew them all, but can speak for carlos, rae, and andre. these men are as good with women as they are with men. rae is the only one who leads a class (that i know of) - so if you want to get a feel for him, take butts and guts. it'll knock you over.
Comment by Zillah Glory on March 14, 2009 at 9:15pm
that's the best part! they totally punch back!
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on March 14, 2009 at 9:08pm
Ohhh - yes punching bags would be hot! I would punch them - then run before the punched back!
Comment by Zillah Glory on March 14, 2009 at 9:00pm
i heard a rumor about an expansion coming? looking to clarify: will there be punching bags? the only thing i miss about a bigger club (um, bsc) is the punching bag. amazing. 20 minutes and i'm on the floor gasping.

MAJOR plug: miss Zayda herself, leading either latin cardio dance or zumba. five weeks of attendance saw this class jump from 12 people up to 25, shakin' shakin' shakin' it!

Members (40)


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