Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hi, everyone.  I am looking for any leads on someone to foster or take an elderly cat named Chicken.  She is a sensitive and loving cat, not very needy and won't take too much hassling without a fuss.  She's playful and affectionate both with some reserve, and she is generally a really lovely little animal.  Her owner left the country after attempting to drop her off a shelter, and now she is living alone in a garage.  It seems like a bad situation, though we know she is being fed regularly.  Supposedly, she was put there because she had been upset over living with another cat and going to bathroom outside her box.  We do not know whether that is true or if she needs vet care or is simply declining, and we are trying to find someplace not stressful she can live so we can find out.  We've found support from a vet who is willing to give care or euthanasia and a ride to get her to and from, but we cannot find anywhere to place her temporarily or permanently.  Everyone I know who is familiar with and wants to take her rents and/or has cats and cannot take her, and we have started looking around to see if we can find help.  Thank you!

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