Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

I have a public policy story idea, would like to talk with someone.

This is not a fast breaking story.  Research, writing and placement skills are needed.  Research should start soon. 

Please respond with telephone number.



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Hi Colleen, this is Chris Helms, editor of JP Patch. I'll send a link of your request to our team of freelancers. Hope you get some bites!



Hi Colleen,


I have a lot of experience in public policy research. For writing samples please visit JP Patch and Examiner

I can only make outgoing calls, if you give me your number and an appropriate time I'll be happy to call you.





Hi Collleen,


I would be interested as well, depending on the story idea. If there's mutual interest I'd be more than willing to set up a time to chat.


- Jack


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