Neighbors for Neighbors

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Do you know an individual or a business making a difference in Boston to help green our city? I'm sure that you do, and I encourage you to nominate them for Mayor Menino's 3rd Annual Green Business, Residential and Bike Awards.

Mayor Menino recognizes that Boston residents and businesses are an integral part of our efforts to turn Beantown into Greentown. We want to honor those businesses, residents and community leaders who are at
the forefront of sustainability, from energy and water conservation, to green building and bike friendly practices. There will be numerous awards in three major categories:

Green Business Awards will honor companies in Boston that implement exemplary sustainable business practices in their day-to-day operations. Boston Green Business Awards will be given in a variety of categories.
Green Residential Awards will honor residents who incorporate sustainable practices in their home and neighborhood. This is a great tool to showcase the efforts that residents make and to educate others on ways they too can green their homes. Awards will be presented in a
variety of categories.
The Bike Friendly Businesses Program recognizes businesses that encourage bicycling among their employees by engaging in bicycle friendly practices. All companies engaging in at least six bike friendly practices from the application receive recognition.

Green Business Award winners from 2008 are Boston Building Materials Co-op, Boston Properties, Children's Museum, Costa Fruit & Produce, Earthworks, EnerNOC, Goody Clancy, Hines, Mass Energy, Staples, Suffolk University and Taranta. And our Green Residential Award winners are
Cate Arnold, Viki Bok and Dick Jones, Environmental Chelsea Creek (Youth) Crew, Robyn Ochs, Stephen Fox, Burton Jaffee, MD, and Don Lubin. 31 businesses were recognized for their bike-friendly practices. A brief description of the recipients' practices can be viewed on our web site listed below.

Forms for the awards are attached and should be submitted by February 13, 2009. All winners will be announced and honored by Mayor Menino at a reception in April.

To find more information and to download and submit forms, please go to the City's website:

Thanks and have a great week. - Colleen

Colleen Keller
JP Neighborhood Coordinator

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