Neighbors for Neighbors

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Thanks for choosing to become Emergency Preparedness Block Captains!

We will be working with the City of Boston Office Of Emergency Preparedness, the Boston Health Commission, and EMS.

This group is a new concept and is a work in progress - so we will developing our strategy and tactics as we go.

Currently, I am speak with public health officials to get an idea of how we can best proceed but I'd also like to open up the floors to your thoughts and ideas.

Please reply with how you think you can be most helpful and what will be needed.

Thanks you!

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I can't be a block captain, unfortunately, as I am currently having some health problems..I can't take on responsibility for a group of people because my ability to follow through will fluctuate. However, I know something about pandemic influenza and preparedness for it and would like to be involved in some way, so I did join in order to leave this comment. I have alot of ideas, and I can point you and others to resources about how to organize communities specifically around preparedness for pandemic flu.

I don't know if any of you know about I have learned what I know largely starting from that wiki and the forum (and I did some nursing school and public health work). Since you are block captains, I want you to know that some important ways for communities and individuals to prepare for this are NOT making it onto governmental announcements, and the CDC and WHO websites, and I am finding this interesting to put it mildly. I realize that these entities need to balance the greater good in terms of economic interests and also, they don't want people to panic, rush out and empty the stores. The impact of a pandemic, society-wide, could be something more serious than I am hearing in the mainstreme media and from official sources, and I feel it is wise for individuals and communities to prepare for that distinct possiblity in all the ways they can, while hoping for better. I left a longer message as a reply in the main discussion that goes into that in some ways.

I am wondering, Joe (P) how I can contact you to talk more about this and how I might help?
thanks again, so much, for using your organizing skills for this important issue. I wouldn't have known how...guess we all have different ones!
Hi Laura, thanks for joining and sharing this information with us.

Lets get together to debrief on what you know. Feel free to call me at 857-222-4420. Thanks.

Actually we should all share our phone numbers with each other. Let me give that a thought on how to do it so the whole world does not see them - or if you have a suggestion let me know.

Google doc maybe?
“Any community that fails to prepare, with the expectation
that the federal government will come to the rescue, will be
tragically wrong”
Secretary Leavitt, Department of Health & Human Services

“We must be prepared to face the first wave of the next
pandemic without vaccine and potentially without
sufficient quantities of influenza antiviral medications.”
US Centers for Disease Control


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