Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hi NFN Leaders and Partners,

As you have learned, in the past couple of days we've been quitely launching this new network.

For those of you whose groups have been inactive for the past six months, and who have google groups or yahoo groups, I've posted to your groups inviting you and your members to join here on our new network. Please note, in two weeks time I will be deleting all of the groups unless you specifically ask me not to.

For those of you with active groups you will be receiving either an email or phone call from me so we can discuss options.

If you are a partner, feel free to create a group on this network to represent your organization and feel free add a link to your website. I do suggest posting updates as this will allow new members to discover the great work you are doing.
Once you've joined your new groups, and if you still wish to lead your group, I'll make you a group administrator. As an administrator you'll be able to make your group private, meaning you have to request an invitation to join, and of course, you'll have the ability to approve members and send updates to all group members at once.

The reason we have migrated to this new network is that we needed to centralize and standardize our organization for a couple of reasons.

*Members had a hard time finding your groups on our last website.
*It became very difficult for us to keep track of all groups spead out in google and yahoo and we are now able to provide you with support we know you need.

What we are really excited about is:

*We are no longer in the way. What I mean by that is that any member can create a group when they wish, post to the forums, and get support from us. You can also get support from your fellow group leaders here in this forum!

We would love to hear your feedback so please reply to this discussion with your thoughts.

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