Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hey neighbors,

I'm going to be riding in Hollis, NH on May 8th to benefit the Jonathan Gilmour Memorial Scholarship fund.  They give scholarships to zoo employees to do conservation work.  

I'm going to be riding in preparation for this during the two weeks prior.  If anyone's interested, and you want to ride together, let me know.

Here's the info on the ride, it's a beautiful part of New Hampshire, just an hour or so away from Boston. Last year, the weather was good, and we biked past horse farms, forests, rivers, etc. etc.


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Cannot do the ride on May 8, but up for a ride around JP. Let me know when you are going. I can do really any day... including weekdays if you want.
Hi Leisha,

I've been traveling but got back this week, and I'm getting geared up for the ride. Me and my girlfriend are going to do the 'Ochard Tour' with the Bikes Not Bombs kids tomorrow at 2pm if you're interested. It should be nice weather. It leaves from the Hub at the Brewery.

Let me know and I'll look out for you. The link is on the website.

What is the difference between this group and JP Bikes? Wouldn't it be better to consolodate?
I don't know what the difference is. It makes sense to put them together if no one has any objections. I'm just not quite sure how to do it.


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