I am writing on behalf of Boston City Councillor At-Large John Connolly to ask for your help in connection with bringing a shared bike program to the City of Boston. Councillor Connolly called for a hearing earlier this year to examine the best ways to bring a workable shared bike system to fruition. Through the hearing, he is hoping to help Boston become a world-class biking city while also promoting a sustainable transportation option that will make Boston a healthier and greener city. The hearing will be held in early 2009.
In preparation for that hearing, Councillor Connolly is hoping that leaders in the biking community would join him for a working group session to help set the agenda for the hearing.
The working group session will take place January 22, 2009, at 4:00 in the Piemonte Room of the City Council on the 5th floor of Boston City Hall. If anyone from your organization is able to attend please RSVP by calling Councillor Connolly's office at (617) 635-3115 or by e-mailing me at Jamie.Langowski@cityofboston.gov.
I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to gaining your input.
Jamie Langowski
Policy Director
Office of John R. Connolly
Boston City Councillor At-Large