Hi neighbors: just wanted to let you know that we're starting a new community bike ride, monthly on the first Sunday of the month. Here's a link to the event on Neighbors For Neighbors: New Community Bike Ride, May 2, 10-11am.
We have ongoing training rides, mountain bike rides, and women's fitness rides as well, plus other special events like the upcoming Fabulous Trees of JP bike ride.
You can also friend Ferris Wheels on the Neighbors for Neighbors network to hear about what we're up to.
Update: our JP Community Bike Rides are now happening on Saturday mornings, 8:30-9:30 am. We meet in front of Ferris Wheels (66 South Street, JP) and leave at 8:30am to explore different parks on the Emerald Necklace, including the Southwest Corridor, Arnold Arboretum, and Forest Hills Cemetery. The pace is easy, intended for riders of all ages.