Hey JP Writers,
Tonight rocked. Shannon, one of our original members from years back, was the sole attendee. We made Guacamole with fresh mango and tomato, hashed out the first version of what we are all about and how we go about it (below), shared a recent piece of writing, and wrote for a bit.
Our next meeting will be
Tuesday September 7, from 8 to 9:30 pm, my place. P
lease RVSP and I'll message you my address.
Here is the draft of what we cam up with. Feel free to suggest any changes, well discussed them at the next meeting. Note we plan on meeting the 1st, and 3rd, Tuesday of the month.
September 7, Agenda:
7:45 to 8:00 pm. Hang out and Mingle (optional).
8:00 to 9:00 pm. Intros, housekeeping, writing.
9:00 to 9:30 pm. Reading and or Feedback.
Purpose: To write, read, get feedback, make new friends, share some food in a comfortable and productive environment.
Governance: Writing first. Socializing second. Food third
Terms: Members: Try to keep 12 ish show ups. How often: Twice a month 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Where: Rotating among members homes.
Agenda: Writing Time - 60 min, 1 Tuesday Reading/ 3rd Tuesday Feedback Time - 30 min
Roles: Host: Rotating between members. Reminders: Take turns. Food: Who ever wants to bring something.
Prep: Want to read or share something. Bring a copies with you, post it as a discussion, or if you only want group members to get it, send as a message to the group.
Confidentiality: Anything you share is assumed confidential unless you specify otherwise.
Decided by Shannon Fuller and Joseph Porcelli on 8/24/2010 at the first meeting. We're open to your suggestions.