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Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance


Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance

We do organizing in the community to support policies which would allow HIV patients, cancer patients, pain patients and others access to medical marijuana when it is recommended by their doctors.

Location: Boston
Members: 2
Latest Activity: Dec 17, 2010

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Comment by Matthew Allen on October 25, 2010 at 5:51pm
Medical Marijuana Stakeholder's Meeting

Saturday, November 13

10am - 4 pm

Boston Public Library

700 Boylston Street

Copley Square

Boston, MA 02116

Orientation Glass Room

McKim Building, First Floor

Dartmouth St. entrance

What are our goals for the next year?

How can we work as a group to be most effective?

Why have some states passed laws that don't allow patients to grown their own medicine?

What is happening in other states and how does if affect Massachusetts?

The meeting will be facilitated by Steph Sherer from Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and the Mass. Patient Advocacy Alliance (MPAA).

Americans for Safe Access is the largest national member based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists, and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research.

MPAA works with medical marijuana patients, their family members, medical professionals, and public health organizations to support safe access to medical marijuana for patients in Massachusetts.
Comment by Matthew Allen on November 20, 2009 at 4:08pm
The American Medical Association voted last weekend to adopt a new policy position in favor of re-examining the Schedule I status of marijuana. Drugs that are Schedule I at the federal level are considered to have a high potential for addiction and no acceptable medical use. This ground breaking announcement indicates that even the most conservative medical organizations are no longer denying that marijuana has legitimate medical uses.
Comment by Matthew Allen on November 6, 2009 at 3:00pm
This week voters in Maine approved an ballot measure to expand regulation of their existing medical marijuana program. The measure will allow the state to issue ID cards for medical marijuana users and establish a dispensary system so that patients have a safe place to obtain their medicine. Read an article from the Boston Herald here.
Comment by Matthew Allen on October 23, 2009 at 2:37pm
The Obama adminstration's recent announcement that the Department of Justice will no longer prosecute medical marijuana patients and their caregivers is great news for our campaign. A recent article in the Boston Herald mentioned this development, as well as the overwhelmingly positive poll results the issue received at the beginning of October. Check out the Herald article here:

Also read an article posted online at which profiles two medical marijuana patients in Massachusetts. You can read that article here:

Members (2)


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