Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hello Neighbors, 
Does anyone know what happened today around 11 30?  i saw lots of cop cars come 
to the house on the corner of glen and signourny. Some were running up glen and thenbehind that house that has a sign on it that says the mansion. Anyone got the scoop?

I recently started locking my windows near the deck as this is the time home
break in's start. Lets all keep our eyes and ears open and keep our parkside safe.

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Replies to This Discussion

I don't know what happened. Was it the big white place on the left if you are facing the park on Glen?
I know that building is some sort of residential living facility. If I find out i'll post
No its not that place. The good thing about that place is that people are working their and so they are aware and have an eye out on the neighborhood. thanks Jody. I'll post if i find out too.


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