Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

1. Its for everyone
Our circles are non-denominational, and whether you consider yourself
enlightened, a little spiritual, or never done anything like this before you are welcomed!

2. Make yourself at home
Bring water, comfy clothes, cushions and sacred items if you want. Doors open 15 minutes early so you can get settled and comfortable at your own pace.

3. What is said in the circle stays in the circle
It is a confidential environment where you can feel safe to share as much as you want to.

4. Come where you are
Whatever you are going through be it happy times hard times, tired, motivated, focused or feeling behind, just bring you!

5. You are a gift
Your unique presence and talents make our group what it is. We are all equal and each have something special to offer whether that is by simply sitting with us, sharing, or helping the leaders to guide the circle.

6. Get saged
We use the the native american ritual of burning sage and calling in the
elements as a way of connecting and getting centered together.

7. Quiet time
In each circle there is an opportunity to turn inward and get connected to
yourself again. This may be through a guided relaxation, meditation, music, etc.

8. Share
In each circle you will have an opportunity to introduce yourself and share what is going on in your life these days. This is a great moment to both reflect on your journey and receive support from the group!

9. Community power
Meet other like minded people and have a meaningful, connective, healing, fun experience together.

10. Lighten up!
Life can be fun no matter what the focus. So expect to have an enjoyable,
uplifting time with us, and to be surprised. Even when the focus is on healing we can laugh and be playful.

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