Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

For the past 6 months, the Health Careers Ambassadors of the Hyde Square Task Force worked with an amazing film maker, Alex Gomez, and produced the documentary Looking for Peace, One Block at a Time. As a group, they really wanted to explore the devastating effects violence has on a young person, particularly their physical health and mental well-beings. Through the filming process, they were able to tell their own stories, connect with other families of victims, and most importantly, offer an alternative way of living other than violence.


Views: 270

Location: Boston, MA


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Comment by Monica Briggs on December 12, 2008 at 4:49pm
Powerful video. Those peace doves all over JP keep me aware. One day I actually saw a couple of workers scrubbing the peace dove off the wall at the top of the steps to the school--it made me so puzzled--I wish I had asked them why they were taking it off, but I was too intimidated. I wish I had taken a picture of that--it seemed so cruelly symbolic, to be removing such a powerful image--as if it were just another smear of graffiti. And now I've seen how it was created by teens from our own community in an effort to "claim the streets back."

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