The launch is for The Faces and Places of Affordable Housing, a collaborative campaign using research, advertising, public relations and organizing to raise public awareness and stimulate civic leadership on behalf of affordable housing in Boston.
As home ownership and rental prices keep Boston one of the most expensive housing markets in the US, and force countless families to choose between paying the rent and putting food on the table, the creation and preservation of affordable homes present challenges requiring a broad alliance of residents, businesses, and community partners. The new campaign seeks to educate the public and policymakers on the importance of affordable housing in building stable families and a strong, diverse community.
The Jamaica Plain pilot of the campaign is led by the Boston Tenant Coalition (BTC) and Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC) with the collaboration of other local groups and businesses.
Speakers will include a small business owner, a neighbor of affordable housing, residents who have benefited from or need affordable housing, a representative from First Baptist Church, and members from the organizations responsible for the public awareness campaign. The new posters and website will be unveiled, and graphics of the campaign materials will be provided to the media.
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