For The Earth, Saturday, October 31 ~ 9:30-4:30, led by Joyce Reeves and Diane Reiner
In this time of promise and peril for our Earth, add your heart, voice, and hands to the global movement to create a sustainable future for all living beings. We will gather in a safe and nourishing space to connect with our love of the Earth, our despair over her condition, our passion for justice, and our longing for community. Using guided exercises, personal sharing, meditation, and deep-time work in the style of Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects, we come together to listen to our hearts, support intention, inspire action, and build meaningful connections with like-minded souls. Fee: $50 ($30 for 1st Parish folks). If possible, please register by Oct. 24. Send to: 1st Parish in Brookline, 382 Walnut St, Brookline, MA 02445-7563. For directions, see: bring a bag lunch.
Joyce Reeves, psychotherapist & Diane Reiner, photographer, nature enthusiasts, peace & social justice advocates, international citizen diplomats, experienced workshop facilitators trained by Joanna Macy. Information, Pam Kristan, 617-522-4956, or Joyce 845- 679-5369,
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