Neighbors for Neighbors

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Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance

Event Details

Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance

Time: July 7, 2010 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: AIDS Action Committee
Street: 75 Amory St
City/Town: Boston
Website or Map:…
Phone: 508-410-1547
Event Type: documentary, screening
Organized By: Matthew Allen
Latest Activity: Jul 3, 2010

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Event Description

Join us for a screening of “Waiting to Inhale,” an award winning documentary about the science and politics related to medical marijuana reform.

The Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance is working to support safe access to medical marijuana for people suffering from serious and terminal illnesses, when it is recommended by their doctor.

Over the last year, we’ve obtained endorsements for this reform from the Mass. Breast Cancer Coalition, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Mass. Bar Association, Mass. Nurses Association, Mass. Public Health Association, and many other public health and community groups.

The film will be followed with a discussion about the current state of medical marijuana reform in Massachusetts. Why have 14 states passed these laws while Massachusetts lags behind? How do current policies affect medical marijuana patients in Massachusetts? Why do patients need this medicine? What can we do to support medical marijuana reform in the Commonwealth? All these questions will be addressed.

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