Neighbors for Neighbors

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Wahu Kaara speaks on Third World Debt Cancellation

Event Details

Wahu Kaara speaks on Third World Debt Cancellation

Time: April 11, 2010 from 4pm to 7pm
Location: Hope Central Church
Street: 87 Seaverns Ave.
City/Town: Jamaica Plain, MA
Website or Map:
Phone: (617) 522-0600
Event Type: social, justice, worship, lecture, public, africa, open
Organized By: Ellen Snoeyenbos
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2010

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Event Description

On Sunday, April 11th at 4 p.m. Hope Central Church of Jamaica Plain will host the leading debt relief activist from Kenya, Wahu Kaara. An inspiring speaker, Ms. Kaara has spent the last thirty years working tirelessly for justice in her native Kenya and throughout the African continent. This event is part of the Exploring the Roots of Poverty Speaking Tour sponsored by Jubilee USA,, which is exploring the economic and political systems that impoverish developing nations and what we can do about it.

Hope Central Church, will host Ms. Kaara for a 4 p.m. presentation of debt relief as a significant tool for progress in the fight against world poverty. At 5:30 p.m. she will preach at a joyful, music-filled worship celebration, and at 6:45 p.m. a reception for her will allow participants to meet Ms. Kaara and ask her questions regarding the debt relief movement.

Hope Central Church is located at 87 Seaverns Ave., just up the hill from the Green Street T station and a few blocks from Centre Street. This event is free to the public. Child care will be available.

For further information on this or any other event at Hope Central Church, check the web site:, call the church office at: (617) 522-0600 or email at:

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