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Planning a Farmer's Market, need community members imput!

Hello Friends,

I am volunteering with Community Servings to help plan a farmer's market here in our parking lot this summer. We have a few farmers who are interested in doing a Sunday market but we need your imput! Would you be interested in coming this summer on a Sunday to 18 Marbury Terrace, where we are located, to purchase items from local farms and businesses? If so, what time of day would you likely come by? What specific items would you purchase? How often would you come by?

We are excited at the prospect of starting a market that will both provide community members with fresh, local produce and products, as well as, create relationships with farmers that may assist us in better serving our critically-ill clients fresh, nutritious home delivered meals! Let us know what you think!

If you are interested in coming to the market let us know but you can also let us know if your business is interested in joining our market as a vendor! Thanks so much, in advance, for your replies!

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I agree with Phoebe - 10-2 would be lovely!
This is fantastic* I will definitely come if you have one...having baked products (bread/pie) would be amazing..since there isnt any place in our area that offers fresh baked breads.... and i agree with everyone else thats posted about having it be earlier in the day...10am - 2pm would be ideal!
Absolutely! Sign me up! The more diverse the fruit/veg/meat/honey and other supplies the better! Something like the Davis Sq. farmer's market would be great (lots of local vendors...) I would think early to midday on Sunday would be best- like 10am-3pm or so! I am excited about the idea and hope it happens! I'd be willing to help too!
Hello -

I just joined the Stillman's CSA and unfortunately they have been kicked out of their space at Bank of America this summer. (Please see the note below). Is there any way you can combine your efforts? This is their contact info:


"Glenn and I wanted to update you about a new development in Jamaica Plain. Mr Steve Poole from Bank of America, politely informed us that we could not use the space in their parking lot any longer. It was Bank of Boston that first permitted us to be there, 10 or more years ago (when Curtis Hall was being renovated...we'd been there for 10 years already). Then Fleet allowed us to remain, and then Bank of America took over and were lovely about us keeping our space there on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Unfortunately, something changed recently. We were first told it was a liability issue; we carry full liability and offered to give them a certificate. Then the response was customers complained about parking.

So, we are searching for a new location to have our market as well as our CSA drop. This year we have some Hmong farmers joining the market, as well as some local bakers. We are holding out a little hope that the community of JP can persuade the bank to allow us to return. We encourage anyone who feels like it, to politely ask the bank to reconsider. We have always felt they were very generous in the past, so we are not sure what changed after all these years. Meanwhile, we will look for another location nearby. If you have any connections, or thoughts, please get back to us as soon as possible. Let's try to solve this together.

Thank you so much for any assistance you can offer us at this time. So far, so good for all our other shoppers and CSA members in other locations!
Be well,

Glenn & Genevieve Stillman
You may already know this, but the JP Farmer's Market in the Bank of America Parking lot is here to stay! Woohoo! See here:
Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for your post. I was actually in touch with the Stillman's when I first started planning the market since I knew they are already so involved with this community. But I did not hear back from them about joining us. I am glad that they were able to work things out with Bank of America for this season and it just goes to show how great this community is at pulling together!
The 10-2 time frame on Sunday is great.
I'm interested in local produce, local honey, eggs from pastured chickens, grass-fed beef and other types of meats. I'd come weekly and try to do all of my produce shopping.

I'd be happy to help spread the word.
Excellent! Thanks for your imput Dana it is greatly appreciated. Send me your email and I'll add you to my contact list.

Thanks again,
We agree! Organic & local eggs and milk would be fantastic!
Please let me know how I can help get this going! I don't really have a time preference for the market. But I'm a stay-at-home-mom and active community member very willing to help make this market (in my back yard!) a reality. Thanks.
Hi Anna- thank you so much. I am really excited at all the positive responses from community members. Please send me your email and I will add you to my contact list. I am working right now with local printers and graphic designers to print flyers banners, etc so I would love to have you involved with me in getting the word out in the next couple months! We will certainly find a way to have you take part in it!

Thanks again,
I'd be interested as well. Sunday 10-2 sound about right.


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