Neighbors for Neighbors

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Does anyone know anthing about shootings on South St.? The most recent one I know about occurred about 2:30 pm on an otherwise nice afternoon on Friday, Jan. 5, 2012 at 206 South St. The other one I know about occurred near 230 South St. on a Sunday afternoon in December in which no one was hurt.

My neighbors and I are quite concerned about this. Is there anyone else who feels the same way?


Pam Lerch (Athena)

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Hi Pam, we've been following these closely over at JP Patch. Here's the most recent report, with updates on both Friday's shooting as well as the Dec. 11 shooting (in which there was an injury — a man was shot in the arm and leg) —

Chris, thanks for keep a tabs on all of this. 

I realized out Crime Reports tab got hidden, I've added it back and it can be found here. It's update every 24 hours and come direct from BPD. 


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