Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Friends, Just a head's-up, there was a robbery recently at McBride near the Corridor. I'm attaching the mail the victim sent to our Representative, Liz Malia.

If we get any feedback from our local police on how to best avoid situations like this, I'll be sure to post it here. Also, if you've got safety tips you'd like to share with your neighbors, please post them as well. I've been robbed once years ago and chased once from the Green Street station.

The only advice I have is, keep your eyes and ears open, don't walk around deafened by an iPod. If you get cornered, Give them whatever they want!

Wishing you all safe commutes in our beautiful neighborhood,

Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:32 PM
To: Malia, Liz - Rep. (HOU)
Subject: For neighborhood crimewatch

Rep. Malia and team,

I know you have been working on the Child/McBride etc. neighborhood crime watch (I've recently moved into the neighborhood). I haven't had a chance to sign up yet, but I wanted to let you know that tonight on my way home from Forest Hills I was robbed at the end of McBride Street by the park. Two young teenager with knives took my wallet and iPhone. I've reported it to the police of course and I'm fine. But I think it would be worth passing on to the list serve that folks should be very careful walking in that area. It was only about 8:30, not normally a time or place that I worry about.

If you could pass the info along and/or let me know how I can post it myself to the neighborhood list, that would be great.


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There were two robberies recently in the area of Boynton St, McBride St and the Southwest Corridor. One at about 8:40pm on 10/12/11 and the other at about 11:30pm on 10/13/11.  The victims were robbed at knife point.


We have not had a problem with robberies in the area in quite a while.  Many officers responded and searched for the suspects in both incidents, to no avail.  Some tips:


  • Stay alert and don't be distracted by electronics, headphones, etc...
  • Keep to well lit areas
  • Walk in groups whenever possible
  • If you think you are being followed, walk to the closest store, public building, or residence with lights on and ask for help
  • Common ruse used by robbers is to ask for the time.  Many people us their phone for the time, exactly what a would be robber is looking for
  • Some smart phones have the capability of being located when missing or stolen.  Check with your phone carrier about this service
  • Call 911 to report suspicious behavior
  • Don’t risk your personal safety in a robbery, turn over your property and call 911 when it is safe to do so

Sgt. Eric Krause

Area E-13 Community Service Office


Sgt. Krause, thank you so much for this update and these great tips. If you posted previously about these incidents, I apologize for not having seen your post, but I just took over to help administer the site in Joseph's stead. If there's anything I can do as moderator to help spread the word about safety and the neighborhoods, please don't hesitate to give me a holler.


Cheers, and thanks again for your update and your help.


Lisa Vaas


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