Neighbors for Neighbors

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Lisa Vaas (Moderator)
  • Female
  • Jamaica Plain, MA
  • United States
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Lisa Vaas (Moderator)'s Friends

  • Joya Lonsdale
  • Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)

Lisa Vaas (Moderator)'s Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by keith barton Dec 6, 2011. 1 Reply

Hello JP Neighbors!I previously posted a survey sent by a proponent of a replacement bridge for the Casey Overpass. I encourage you to also check out this article from JP Patch, which contains a link…Continue


Started Dec 5, 2011 0 Replies

Please note: As I'm sure you've all noticed if you attend community meetings or reading The Gazette, the Casey Overpass debate over whether to have an at-grade (no bridge) solution or a replacement…Continue

Robbery at McBride/SWC

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lisa Vaas (Moderator) Oct 18, 2011. 2 Replies

Friends, Just a head's-up, there was a robbery recently at McBride near the Corridor. I'm attaching the mail the victim sent to our Representative, Liz Malia. If we get any feedback from our local…Continue


Lisa Vaas (Moderator)'s Page

Latest Activity

Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Shawn Hershey's discussion Lindy Hop (swing dancing) at New School Swing in the group Dance JP
"I would love to see swing classes offered here in JP, Shawn! Spontaneous Celebrations is a wonderful venue, if you're looking for the right spot to hold classes.  "
Apr 11, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) left a comment for Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)
"You got it. "
Feb 22, 2013
Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) left a comment for Lisa Vaas (Moderator)
"Awesome thanks - please also post them to the NFN fb page. "
Feb 22, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) left a comment for Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)
"Thank goodness I'll be in Boston so I can help this time! I'll help in  Facebooking requests when I'm not shoveling. "
Feb 22, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) liked Robin Einzig's profile
Feb 9, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) left a comment for George Ulrich
"George, turns out you were right; Joseph discovered the page was only open to administrators, so that's why he and I could see it. He made it public, so please try it again and let me know if you can get in OK.  Thanks!! Lisa"
Feb 6, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) left a comment for George Ulrich
"Hi George, The Snow Crew page is up and seems fine, both on my end (I'm using Chrome) and Joseph Porcelli's end (don't know his browser). Perhaps try refresing your browser? Best, Lisa, site admin"
Feb 6, 2013
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Laura's discussion help shoveling out disabled parking space-was not able to use system in the group SnowCrew
"Laura, your situation sounds *very* stressful, so no worries at all about your feedback, it's all good.  :-) Lisa"
Jan 25, 2012
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Laura's discussion help shoveling out disabled parking space-was not able to use system in the group SnowCrew
"Joe! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Laura, yes, what Joe said. All input/feedback is good! Cheers, Lisa "
Jan 24, 2012
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Laura's discussion help shoveling out disabled parking space-was not able to use system in the group SnowCrew
"Thanks, Joseph! Let me know if there are ways I can help with moderating SnoCrew. I'm not too clear on what you do, exactly, but this one was easy enough to step in and help. :-) "
Jan 22, 2012
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Laura's discussion help shoveling out disabled parking space-was not able to use system in the group SnowCrew
"Yippee!! So glad that worked out.  To answer your question, I'm not familiar with moderating the SnoCrew, but I'm sure willing to help out as I figure out how to best do so. "
Jan 22, 2012
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) replied to Laura's discussion help shoveling out disabled parking space-was not able to use system in the group SnowCrew
"Laura, I posted your request without any problem, so I don't know what's up with the city coming up as Boylston, MA. I don't know how to get people to respond to you directly, but at least the word is out that you need help.  If…"
Jan 21, 2012
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) posted a blog post

Comment period extended for Casey Overpass! you haven't made your thoughts known, you now have more time to do so! Speak up, neighbors—this is a big project, and people fought hard to prevent this from being rushed through, so let's make sure we honor that work by taking advantage of this opportunity to let our opinions be known. See More
Dec 7, 2011
keith barton replied to Lisa Vaas (Moderator)'s discussion CASEY OVERPASS DEBATE: ARGUMENTS FOR THE BRIDGELESS APPROACH
"Keep the Overpass. Sorting out some thoughts before I contact MassDOT. I understand MassDOT favors removing the bridge. I use the bridge from both sides: from J-way to Dorchester and from Franklin Park to Brookline and beyond. I also use the…"
Dec 6, 2011
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) posted a discussion


Hello JP Neighbors!I previously posted a survey sent by a proponent of a replacement bridge for the Casey Overpass. I encourage you to also check out this article from JP Patch, which contains a link to a video in support of the no-bridge ("at-grade") approach. to both sides of the debate, then make your opinion known by filling out…See More
Dec 5, 2011
Lisa Vaas (Moderator) posted a blog post

Agassiz School Community Meeting, Jamaica Plain 11/7

Representative Malia's office received notice that on Monday, November 7th there will be a community meeting to discuss the proposals for the relocation of BPS schools in the fall of 2012 to the Agassiz School building. The meeting will be from 5:30 -- 7:30 pm in the Agassiz. Please call Mary Ann Crayton in the BPS Office of Community Engagement if you have any questions (617) 635-6771.See More
Nov 5, 2011

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Lisa Vaas (Moderator)'s Blog

Comment period extended for Casey Overpass!

Posted on December 7, 2011 at 7:38pm 0 Comments

If you haven't made your thoughts known, you now have more time to do so! Speak up, neighbors—this is a big project, and people fought hard to prevent this from being rushed through, so let's make sure we honor that work by taking advantage of this opportunity to let our opinions be known. 

Agassiz School Community Meeting, Jamaica Plain 11/7

Posted on November 5, 2011 at 6:28pm 0 Comments

Representative Malia's office received notice that on Monday, November 7th there will be a community meeting to discuss the proposals for the relocation of BPS schools in the fall of 2012 to the Agassiz School building. The meeting will be from 5:30 -- 7:30 pm in the Agassiz. Please call Mary Ann Crayton in the BPS Office of Community Engagement if you have any questions (617) 635-6771.

Urban chickens in Roslindale this Saturday

Posted on October 25, 2011 at 3:00am 0 Comments

Just heard about this urban chicken workshop in Roslindale on Saturday. Maybe I'll see you there!


From Mindy Harris, Oct…


Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month

Posted on October 21, 2011 at 3:58pm 0 Comments

Neighbors, Friends, this just in: Our opportunity to honor those we've lost and a chance to help those they left behind. Please read on to find out how.

—Lisa Vaas, Moderator


Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month: One Voice: From City Hall to the State House


Enacted in 2000, Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month is an annual observance for survivor of homicide victims held November…


Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 11:02am on February 22, 2013, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…

Awesome thanks - please also post them to the NFN fb page. 

At 11:59am on October 2, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…

Oops. It's

At 11:58am on October 2, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…

Hey Lisa, thanks for your patience. Is there a time I can reach you tonight to talk NFN shop? Please email me your number at my first and last night @gmail

At 8:39am on September 8, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…

Hey Lisa, I am now settled in. Let's talke, please call me so we can talk moderation shop - 857-222-4420. Joseph

At 9:23am on September 1, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Hey Lisa, thanks for your note and offering to help. Once I get settled in a couple of days, I will reach back out to you.

At 11:39am on February 17, 2011, Joya Lonsdale said…


So glad you are enjoying the classes! Hope to see you next Monday.


At 11:35am on February 17, 2011, Joya Lonsdale said…

Hey Lisa


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