Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

A woman was mugged near the corner of Beecher and Paul Gore tonight at about 9:30 by two African American or Hispanic young men (maybe high school age)  - they pushed her down and grabbed her back pack.  One was wearing a yellow sweatshirt and the other had a white ball cap.  I saw them running off from my porch, down Paul Gore towards Lamartine.  

Fortunately, a bunch of neighbors came quickly when they heard her screams.  The police responded within a few minutes to her phone call (she used our cell) and they went right to try to locate the guys.  The last we heard, they thought they had gotten one of them - they picked up the woman so she could make an ID.  

If anyone has any follow-up information, we'd love to know if they did indeed catch one of them.

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Replies to This Discussion

What are we going to do about this local crime issue? Do we have a neighborhood watch program or something similar??
This is just awful and should NOT happen.
Thanks for posting Judi.

Steffani, there is a neighborhood watch group on Paul Gore and Beecher. I think there is one on your street as well but not sure when the last time the group meet.
Joseph, is it possible to get a follow-up report from the police somehow?
I spoke to a police officer about an hour after the mugging (he was removing a car that was blocking my driveway) and he said they had arrested two guys for the incident. One of the guys was found with a wallet containing the woman's ID. The officer thought the woman had ID'd both of the men.


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