Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

This is Jenny Jones, I'm on the NforN Board, and I also like playing Board Games (there's a pun there somewhere). To get any group going someone, as the other Jenny suggested, has to pick a time and a place, someone has to to take some ownership of that. I can do that to get us started, but I'd rather someone else ran with it as I'm organizing too many things as it is!

And then it has to be communicated to the group. I'm not sure that comment wall or a discussion generate emails to the membership (I'm still figuring out this NING technology), and this group has the send message to group function disabled, but I can have Joseph turn it on.

I think meeting at someone's house would be the best way to start, and then I'm thinking doing a Games Night at the Milky Way (before it closes!) which we could advertize and get more people involved.

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No kidding!! Hi, Jen! I have been a member for more than a few months.
I have never been invited to a game.... Are you secretly meeting without me?

Hi Sally, I believe we are still trying to get this off the ground at least on this website, there may be other people already doing something. I'll contact Joseph again about getting in touch with the person who is supposed to running it.
I think Joeseph started it!
We will have a first meeting to get organized and play something quick and easy, on Wednesday 9th July 2008 7pm at Sweet Christopher's Dessert Cafe, 601 Centre St, JP. I'll bring Uno and Flux, card games not board games, but if anyone has anything else they want to bring please do.

I have administrator rights on the group now, but I would rather hand that over to a couple of other people, so please think about volunteering. I'm organizing too many things already!
oooh, sounds fun! I like to play dominoes and the card game Hearts, Uno sounds like a blast - haven't played that in years!
Four of us met at Sweet Christopher's Wednesday night, Tallu, Kate, Tom, and Jenny. We played a few rounds of Uno which was fun! Thanks to Joe Naczas, the new owner, for providing a nice place for us to meet!

We briefly discussed what we would like to do as a group, which was to keep it very open ended, some ideas we'll try are: Trivia at a local bar, bowling at the Milky Way, darts at the Brendan Behan. The summer is a difficult time to get people involved in something new, so we'll start doing regular board games in September.

Kate volunteered to be an administrator for the group, thanks Kate! I'm still lokking for one more person to take on that responsibility (it's really not that much), but I'll stay on until we are more established.

Last night was so fun!!! I never knew Uno could involve so much strategy ;). It was great to meet everyone.



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