Neighbors for Neighbors

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Make Halloween Special


Make Halloween Special

A group to discuss plans to make this halloween in JP the most fun... like ever!

Location: jamaica plain, ma
Members: 6
Latest Activity: Oct 6, 2010


We've been cooking and giving away Halloweenies on Boylston Street for 8 Years. Let's organize events all over JP!

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Comment by Joseph Frechette on October 6, 2010 at 7:10pm
Hey, what night is Halloween or Trick or Treat Night?
Comment by jenifer on August 20, 2010 at 10:54pm
yo yo yo party people. can I help to make Halloween AWESOME from my new digs in Chi-town? I might just have to sit on my porch as roadkill Rudolf, sans harness (sorry lassies) and reminisce about those halcyon days and nights on Boylston porches.
So, what's the theme going to be this year?
You're the bomb, Susan, fangs or no fangs!
Comment by Susan on August 18, 2010 at 3:41pm
so, joe recommended i start this group to talk about making halloween in JP the best ever!
i remember living in a small town, where EVERYONE gave out candy (or the occasional toothbrush) and I thought it was awesome.
but there was one house... ONE HOUSE... that was spooky. they had you come into their home and there sat a long macabre looking table setting with spider webs, darkness, scary music and a different kind of candy in each bowl. You could take two, but honestly... its the house and the couple who lived there that I remember.
make YOUR halloween special this year, get a few friends together and have fun with it.
this may be a silly american holiday that revolves around begging for candy... but its one that i truly treasure...

every year on boylston st, Joseph, our friends and neighbors gather together for a themed event. you may have seen joe on the grill giving out hotdogs... or a toilet bowl full of candy.

well, that is us- and we will be there again... but would love to see more houses put something special together for the kids in our neighborhood.

Members (6)


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