Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Anyone up for a friendly pick-up this Sunday April 18 around 4pm? Probably on the field above the sugar bowl, corner of Perkins and Arborway.

Views: 94

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I am!
yup, i can play, good times!
So I'm thinking with the rain, wet fields and the fact that there are only 3 of us, we should cancel today's pick up. Agree?
how are things looking for playing this afternoon? the rain is annoying, but if anybody is still down for some pick-up @ 4, i'll be around.
I am around, just wondering how many others are!
I can make it - provided it isn't raining
OK Rebecca Fiarman and I will be there, with rain gear. Trying to round up a couple of others.
Aaron are you seeing the posts below? Not sure how this works. Looks like we might have 4-6 people ready to play at 4pm
nice, rebecca and i will head over, too.
great! since you are the one with the soccer ball :-) see you in a few
Thanks guys! That was fun this afternoon.


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