Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


Here is our plan for today and tomorrow. To help coordinate, I'll be inviting you to join one of the teams that will go out tonight, Wednesday 1/26 at 6:30 pm and tomorrow and Thursday 1/27, at 6:30 PM. We will be doing this via text messages using

This will help us coordinate more efficiently (plus I am traveling for work need to be as efficient as possible and Roy is in Mexico with limited connectivity). 

Note: * means that the address is a priority address and should be done first. 


Forest Hills Crew: Meet at 7 Weld Hill 6:30 pm. 

- 7 Weld Hill St - (Toyota Corolla 287-HLR)

- 58 Eldrich - (Vehicle 76LA08 - 02130)


Central Crew: Meet at 14 Pond Street 6:30 pm.

- * 14 Pond St - (Handicap Parking Space and or Vehicle)

- * 85 Rockview St 02130 (Walkway and Sidewalk) All set. 

- 14 John Andrew - (Subaru Legacy, dark blue, 625JS6)

- 804 Centre -  (Vehicles in spots 12 & 14 in lot)

- 21 Starr Ln 02130 (Walkway and Sidewalk)

- 91 Robinwood Ave (Driveway and Sidewalk)


South Crew: Meet at 38 Paul Gore 6:30 pm.

- 38 Paul Gore St 02130 (Walkway and Sidewalk)

- 98 Day St 02130 (Sidewalk front and side and Porch)


Here's how to get involved if you are not already:

1) Sign up to help shovel, text "Your Name" to 617-394-1588 or get the iphone app

2) Submit an address of a neighbor who needs help shog



Views: 112

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Hey all, Chad from Groundcrew here. Quick note: use for signing up to the squad. The URL Joseph sent out has some upper-case characters — makes our web server think it's a different (unrecognized) squad. Thanks!
Fixed, thanks Chad!
I got the car shoveled out/cleaned of at 14 Pond Street. 6:47 am. The other handicap spot is not shoveled. -Kristi
Thanks Kristi!

I shoveled the South Crew area last night. 38 Paul Gore should be taken off the list of residences to be shoveled: A condo owner in the three-unit building came by and was surprised to see me shoveling his walkway. He said that someone from our group was there the other night and he told that person to take the building off the list, although he appreciates our efforts. He is not sure how the building got on the Snow Crew itinerary, but he is certainly young, able-bodied, and takes pride in caring for his home. So we can scratch that off our list!


Day Street was done as of yesterday at 7 PM. (Although quite a bit more snow has fallen since then, obviously!)

Crap, my mistake it's supposed to be a Vehicle. My bad. Thanks for pointing this out. I've change it now. Sorry Jill.


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