Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Thanks for sharing you interests and passions with us!

Starting a new group, here's how:
  1. Go to the groups tab
  2. Click on Create Group
  3. Give you group a name
  4. Add a photo. This is not optional and is required by this system.
  5. Give you group a brief description.
  6. Set the Features. Uncheck "Comments", leave checked "Discussion Forum" and "Tex Box".  You can come back later and check "RSS Reader" if you need to input RSS feeds to your group.
  7. Set the Privacy.
  8. Set the Message to NOT allow members to send emails to the group.  As administrators you can still send emails but note that no record is kept of what was sent.
  9. Hit Save. Congratulations on creating your group.
Promote your group:
  1. Using invitations, invite all your friends to join your group!
  2. Be sure to include a personal note and tell them why they will enjoy participating.
  3. Post a discussion to the Forum tab introducing your group to the network.
Starting doing what you do:
  1. Post a discussion to your group asking people for input on what they'd like to do and when. It's helpful to offer a couple of suggestions as this will provide your group with direction.
  2. You will be notified of replies to discussions you post and reply to.
  3. Members of your group MUST choose "Notify me" at the bottom of the discussion section of your group to receive emails when other create and reply to discussions.
Get together in person:
  1. Create an event by going to the Events tab and clicking create Event.
  2. Invite members of you group to join you. It helps if your members are your friends on the network so you don't have to remember their email address when you invite them using events.
Sustaining your momentum:
  1. Ask for help and delegate. Your group will thrive when you share leadership. Remember, your not burdening people, your giving them a chance to contribute!
  2. Post discussions about topics of interest and share you throughts. Even if there is nothing happening. It keeps people stimulated and interested.

Last updated by Jenny Jones Jun 28, 2008.

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