Neighbors for Neighbors

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charles faris
  • Male
  • Roslindale, MA
  • United States
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charles faris commented on Robbie Samuels's blog post Where will the Latino and Caribbean JP residents who counted on Hi-Lo as an institution for 47 years get the items they need that can't be easily found in Boston?
"Whoever moves in will want to make money. Let them know what you want to see and then follow up with purchases. Retailers are easy to influence."
Jan 16, 2011

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Meeting my Neighbors, Not Sure Yet but Thanks For Asking
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I don't live in JP

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At 7:27am on October 11, 2009, Dana Ortegon said…
Hi, Charles,
I'm happy to answer any and all questions that you have by email, phone, or over coffee.

Also, there's a Sudbury Open House coming up on the 24th of October (1-4 pm). I don't know if you've ever been to the school, and honestly, the open houses don't necessarily do justice to the energy of the place, but you'd have a chance to see the physical space -- the art studio, the darkroom, the dance studio and The Barn, where they hold all of the music performances.

Another great way to get a sense of the SVS experience is to go to YouTube and google Sudbury Valley School. Mark Bell, the staff person who runs the Music Corp (they have corporations rather than "clubs"), posts videos from some of the Coffee Houses.

Looking forward to speaking with you.


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