Neighbors for Neighbors

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Man casing cars on Paul Gore, Friday AM

Hey folks,

Sorry this is a bit late but...

Friday morning as I was walking the dog, I noticed a man looking very closely at a car on Paul Gore near the corner of Paul Gore & Chestnut. I thought he was just checking his car for damages since we live on a hill & folks back into each other with some regularity. Then I noticed him peeking in the windows of other cars, and generally weaving in and out of the cars on the street looking into them. He seemed unphased by the fact that I was walking my dog on the street & by the fact that folks were frequenting the street on the way to the T.

Long story short, I called 911, but he & a car were gone by the time I left my house 15 minutes later. He was an average looking white male, tallish 5'10"-6', and at the time, he was wearing blue jeans, a blue Tshirt & a blue Red Sox cap cocked to the side.

Hope this is helpful to someone in the area. Make sure you take the valuables out of your car, and lock the doors (one the cars he got into was unlocked, no joke).

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Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on October 6, 2008 at 11:16pm
Hey - Can you add this as a discussion in the forums.

Thanks Darlin'

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