I write this in an attempt to figure out what to do about the situation in Ballard Street/Custer Street in the JP South Area. I have lived in this part of JP for a bit over 2 years and Ballard street has had regular and constant street work done, to the point that between last summer and just what we have had of this spring/summer there has being at least three instances of work crews working on the street.
I want to say that I have no problem with utilities and street resurfacing work getting done. I love nice smooth streets. I have a huge problem with a street getting resurfaced then getting ripped up a few months later by another crew, and again having the sidewalk ripped up by another crew months later when I have watched the same sidewalk rebuilt months before. I understand that work needs to get done but it concerns me when I see a constant use of the street as a place where holes are dug for what seems to be work that gets done over and over again. I wonder if this is happening elsewhere in JP? As an observer I think that the best idea would be to rip out the whole street and fix all problems at once instead of spending money on digging patches all over.
Suggestions? Ideas? Comments? Thanks.
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