Neighbors for Neighbors

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CALL TO ACTION: Hats and Gloves Needed for Young Achievers Students

From Kelsea Gusk:

My name is Kelsea Gusk and I work at the YA [Young Achievers], I am assigned here with a non-profit called Playworks. Playworks aims to improve the health and well-being of children by increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play. The major component of my job occurs at recess. Every day I am out with the children at recess playing games like four square, wall ball, jump ropes and basketball. One great thing about my job this year is that I get to serve at the YA with the summit partner's City Year team. Maddie, the team leader, passed along your contact information regarding my idea to start a glove drive.

For the past few days I have noticed that about half of the children at school come out to recess without gloves. We start to play games or in the snow and within minutes their hands turn bright red and they pull their hands into their sleeves. I am hoping to organize a fundraiser to provide these children gloves for use at recess.

I hope to contact local non-profits, or businesses, and tell them about the need for gloves at this school. I envision a glove drive being organized where partners could directly donate gloves in a box, where they could be collected and distributed to the children at school.


I anticipate that I am not the only Playworks staff to notice this need in their students. There are about 20 Playworks Coaches working at schools around Boston, Cambridge and Revere. Whatever suggestions, ideas, connections you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Views: 38


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Comment by Chad Baker on January 9, 2010 at 8:45am
Mark, are there consignment shops in JP?
Comment by Mark Sadecki on January 8, 2010 at 11:30am
There is so much opportunity for a campaign like this with kids outgrowing their clothes so fast and with so many gloves losing their mate. I'm sure there are plenty of kids out there that don't mind if their gloves don't match, as long as their hands are warm! I think it would be best to have drop off boxes at local businesses, or even at second-hand and consignment shops. Consignment shops could ask those dropping needed items off if they would consider donating them to this cause instead.
Comment by Chad Baker on January 7, 2010 at 4:17pm
If you can help out and have things to donate, let me know and I can make arrangements with Kelsea.

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