Neighbors for Neighbors

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Can't get an oil delivery on Beecher Street due to parked cars blocking the way

Our oil tank is currently reading empty. I have been unable to receive an oil delivery for 3 days now because the oil trucks can't get down Beecher street due to cars sticking out. In fact, its increasingly difficult to even drive a car down Beecher St right now.

I understand that parking is an issue during the winter in JP, however I would like to ask those of you parked on Beecher street to make an effort to pull your cars in as close to the snow banks as possible.

I ask you to consider your neighbors, and also the fact that if an oil truck can't get down the road, a firetruck or an ambulance certainly cannot.

In addition, if anyone has any suggestions as to what to do in my situation, I would love to hear them.

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Comment by Eric on February 14, 2011 at 4:48pm
I bet you have resolved this by now and I really hope there isn't more snow in the future, came to me this weekend that if you can generally get parking permits for moving, construction work, etc. that you may have been able to reserve enough spots to get access to your house for the truck. Or maybe not...but that was a thought.
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on February 6, 2011 at 10:59am

Time to get out shovel on and knock on some doors!

Wanna do it at 12:30?

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