Neighbors for Neighbors

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Matt O'Malley Wins District 6 City Council Seat.

Winning just under 60% of the vote Matt O’Malley defeated James W. Hennigan to win the special election and will take over from John Tobin as the next City Councilor from Boston’s District 6. O’Malley will hit the ground running and one of his first official tasks may be deciding the political fate of fellow councilor Chuck Turner. Turner was recently convicted of Federal corruption charges.

O’Malley spoke at the Milky Way in front of over 100 supporters telling the crowd he will not let them down.

Check out Matt's speech at The JPVoice.

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Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on November 19, 2010 at 5:54am
Thanks for continuing to share your work with us here. I also appreciate that you are now including excerpts too.


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