Neighbors for Neighbors

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please explain street-cleaning rules to me...I'm confused...

Hi. I live on Forbes Street. On my side of the street it says they do street cleaning on the first and third Monday of the month, from 8 to 12. When these days come, I don't see any cars moving out of the way. Then again, I got a parking ticket recently, on my side, when it was the fourth Monday. I'm in the middle of contesting it so haven't heard the result back yet, but I triple-checked that it was not the first or third Monday. BTW, I don't see evidence that my street is ever being cleaned...

So please explain this system for me, if it makes sense to you. Thanks.

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Comment by Colleen Keller on July 6, 2010 at 3:48pm
Hi Nancy,

I might be able help clarify the issue. According to the City of Boston website, your street sweeping days are what is stated on the sign, 1st and 3rd Mondays. I will check again with the Public Works Department to see if the day has changed.

This means the next street sweeping day is July 19th. The cars should be moving. If they are not moving, the contractor usually tickets and tows the cars, to move them in order for the sweeper to get the job done. If you would like increased enforcement, I think this is something we can arrange.

I am sorry to hear you got a ticket on the wrong day. I hope your appeals process works out.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Colleen Keller
JP Neighborhood Coordinator
Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services
City Hall, Room 708
Office: 617-635-4855
Fax: 617-635-3498

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