Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Saving your parking spot beyond the 48 hour limit is spreading negative energy.

I totally get the hassle of shoveling out your car, especially with the high levels of snow we have been getting this winter.  That in itself is frustrating.  However, what is more frustrating to me is to take the time to shovel out my spot, and yes save it with a chair for the FIRST 48 HOURS, but then to be respectful of the fact that there are MANY other people in JP who, like me, only have the option of street parking, and therefore no longer HOG a spot with a chair. 

Many folks in the neighborhood seem to be overlooking the specifics of the ordinance which  states it is legal to save parking spaces during declared snow emergencies up until 48 hours after the snow emergency has ended.  If you are one of these people I encourage you to think about the rest of your neighbors for a bit, your neighbors who are following these protocols.  As one of them, it is very frustrating to come home and drive in circles in search of a spot because some people feel that the rules do not apply to them and therefore continue to put a chair in "THEIR" spot. 


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Comment by keith barton on February 25, 2011 at 12:32pm

It is actually still illegal to save spaces within 48 hours. The 48-hour-period is a political compromise that the mayor came up with a few years ago so he doesn't piss-off the local hillbillies who clutch onto this selfish and wasteful tradition (I grew up here, by the way).

Jana, the best solution to space-cllaiming, since the city has done little, is to covertly remove the space-marker crap ourselves. Especially when some a-hole leaves out a nice new barrel or chair, take it away, keep it or throw it somewhere they will never find it again. If they leave out real crap like full barrels, old tires etc. Toss them back into the nearest yard (which is probably theirs), turn over trash barrels, break it up as much as possible.
I've done this on my street and adjacent streets. I've done it where I've lived previously. It's amazing how quickly people learn that spot-claiming is not being tolerated around here. They have stopped doing it, and there is plenty of parking for everyone.
But, remember, please do it covertly. Be quick and quiet, disguise yourself, be unpredictable, don't get caught. Hope you join the effort. It works.
Comment by on February 1, 2011 at 10:07pm
I second that.
Comment by Matt on January 31, 2011 at 6:29pm
I agree. There are like 10 saved spots on my street right now and the last snow emergency was last week.  That's really annoying.  First 48 hours, I understand - after that, share the spaces.

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