Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Sick of the violence and crime? Join the Framework for Action group!


Last night, the Neighbors for Neighbors Board met and we discussed a new direction that we want to take NFN. We're proposing and requesting your help to create and test a new "Framework for Action".

Given the recent violence and crime in Jamaica Plain, we've chosen facilitate and test this new framework by creating neighborhood wide crime prevention and resource outreach and support campaign.

Wanna help me make this happen? Join the Framework for Action Group now!

The purpose of the Framework for Action group is to create and document a process to work together as a community to address pressing issues in person and online here on NeighborsFor

Our plan is to leverage the knowledge, skills, and desires of our members, partners, and allies, to "operationalize" a framework for action that includes (at the moment) four stages: Discuss, Plan, Act, and Evaluate.

To develop and test this framework for action, we aim to decrease crime and simultaneously increase awareness and support for organizations that stabilize and provide services to people committing these crimes in Jamaica Plain.

If you are ready to make a real difference, sick of the violence, tired of crime, and share our vision of a safe and healthy neighborhood for everyone, then I request you join our team right now.

Please don't assume someone else will act or that it's not your problem. This is all of our responsibility and duty to each other. Nothing is going to change unless we ALL take action.

Let's do it! Join the Framework for Action Group now!

Your neighbor,


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Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on October 29, 2010 at 1:32pm

This what I intend to say and here is why.

If we ask what is the problem and we answer, crime and violence, then all we need to do to lock up all the criminals and get them off the streets.

If we ask what causes crime and violence then we assume something else is the problem. I'm proposing that crime and violence are symptoms or other problems such as access to jobs, opportunities, education, shelter, food, and other basics.

So then, for example, if we provide services to people who are committing crimes and participating in violence, then we'll address the root problems therefore, reducing symptoms.

In my mind it all come downs to values. So then, I ask: What do we want; who do we want it for; and what do we envision for the future of our neighborhood AND for all of our neighbors?
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on October 28, 2010 at 6:11pm
It was just pointed out to me that I word I choose to use did not reflect what I meant.

In my original post I wrote - "To develop and test this framework for action, we aim to decrease crime and simultaneously increase awareness and support for organizations that stabilize and provide services to population committing these crimes in Jamaica Plain."

In the phrase above, I have changed the word "populations" to "people". My intention to communicate multiple people who could use services rather than a type of peoples. Thanks for understanding. It's been a long day.

Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on October 28, 2010 at 5:37pm
Clarification, the gathering tonight is not a formal meeting. I'll be at the event, if you want to talk about what's going on, I'd like to have a conversation with you. Say hello!

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