Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


Thanks to all of you who helped promote and who attended the Same Old Place Community Lunch-In today. It was an AWESOME showing of community spirit! Pics coming soon.

There are other neighbors who need our support too! They are the families and friends of our neighbors who passed away in the violence. I've heard from many folks who work directly with our neighborhood youth that they are really struggling and fed up too. Let's show them we care about them and have their backs!

Here is what we can do:

HELP COVER FUNERAL COSTS: The families need assistance to cover funeral costs. Donations can be made through an account Spontaneous Celebrations has set up at Mt Washington Bank.

SUPPORT BUSINESS WHO HIRE YOUTH: Plaza Meat Market 207 Boylston St has local butter, meat and other great local products! By shopping here you'll help them generate $ to hire local youth and you'll meet your neighbors!

CHECK OUT YOU EVENTS AND GET INVOLVED: Come to community events sponsored by local youth organizations like Teen Empowerment, the Y, Spontaneous Celebrations, Hyde Square Task Force, South Street Youth Center and many more! Find out how you can get involved!

JOIN THE FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION GROUP: Help us work our medium and long term strategies to address violence in our Neighborhood.

Thank you for making ALL of JP a great place to live and work. We are Neighbors for ALL Neighbors! Let's not forget that!

Props to Betsy Cowan from Egleston Square Main Street for putting this information together.

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Comment by Carol T on November 24, 2010 at 9:25pm
It really was awesome to see everyone at the Same Old Place today. I know our support was really appreciated.

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