Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Tres Gatos Licensing Board hearing next Wed.

Hello Neighbors:

The Rhythm & Muse/ Tres Gatos team would like to thank all those who supported us at our local hearings, and/or wrote letters of support on our behalf to John Tobin and Felix Arroyo's offices. Your support had a significant impact on the process, and makes it much more likely that we'll succeed in getting a wine/ beer license for our proposed restaurant / bookstore project.

We're making good progress on the design front, and are hoping to get a chef on board soon. If all goes well, we hope the build-out will begin this spring. In the meantime, we plan to host several community Thank You parties for all those who have helped us get this far.

Anyone interested in learning more about Tres Gatos, writing a letter of support on our behalf before the hearing, or attending the hearing, please contact us at

Thanks again for your support!


(owner, Rhythm & Muse)

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