Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

YOU Can Create Needed Youth Jobs In JP!

Hi JP!
I want to get you as excited as I am about finding new ways to improve our community! My name is Mike Norman, and last month I launched a website called with David from City Feed And Supply. SoChange is a movement that shows consumers that WE have the power to convince businesses to improve our neighborhoods.

We started by tackling the issue of youth jobs. Our youth are having a more difficult time than ever securing jobs that give them the experience they need to lead successful lives (Hear From The Youth Here). In July 2010, the labor force participation for all youth was the lowest rate for July EVER RECORDED.

We spoke to David about this problem and he had the courage to step up and do something about it. But we need your help. David needs to see that the community will stand with him in addressing this important issue. As of today, if we sell just 12 more gift certificates David will create a NEW part-time position to train a local youth in need.

We often expect businesses to take care of our communities, but them to see that we will support them for doing so. David isn’t asking for a donation, you can redeem the full face value of your certificate at City Feed. What we are both asking, is that we stand together as consumers and support the businesses that are making an effort to make this community a better place. If we can show David we will support him than we convince other businesses to do the same and start to build the employment opportunities that our youth deserve.

Check out the Youth Jobs Challenge Here

I believe that we have the power to fundamentally change the way companies think about their social and environmental impact, but we need to your help to make it happen. Please vote with your dollars to let David know that youth issues matter to you, and let me know if you have any thought or ideas and how we can make SoChange the transformational platform I know it can be.


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Comment by Michael Norman on May 11, 2011 at 11:08am

Hi Guys! David has hired the youth and he is doing great! There will be a video posted shortly. It went so well that we convinced Harvest to run the same challenge. Check it out here!'


Also, see our first youth hire tell his story and thank the JP community for creating a job for him.


You guys rock!

Comment by Michael Norman on March 6, 2011 at 4:29pm

Thanks for your support! The job was created last week and we are now in the process of sending David resume's to select the youth who will be employed. Let us know you have any ideas about other businesses that you think would like to participate. We will keep you posted!



Comment by Dana Ortegon on March 3, 2011 at 8:44pm
I can't wait to spend my $20 on sandwiches and maple scones! Thanks to you and David for calling attention to a  problem and then actually creating solutions.

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