Neighbors for Neighbors

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Rubber Tire Mulch in SW Corridor Playgrounds

Hi Neighbors -
If anyone is concerned about the smell, the litter, or the health and environmental issues with the shredded tires (or rubber mulch) used in playgrounds in Southwest Corridor, I wanted to let you know that there are "Ban Rubber Mulch in Playgrounds" pages Facebook and Twitter you can follow and like:

I'd also encourage you to contact the DCR if you want the shredded tire removed. The DCR Community Relations phone is 617-626-4973.

The DCR recently renovated the playgrounds, and they are great, except for the recycled tires. The issue has been covered a bit in the Gazette. The rubber smells terrible, even after being in place for 8 months at New Minton Street, which does not make for a pleasant park experience. A letter in the current Gazette points out that the rubber bits get everywhere. They are on the sidewalks and so I guess they are washing down the storm drains.

In addition, there are a number of health concerns, especially for children and people with latex allergies and asthma. The mulch is made from shredded tires, so all the chemicals found in tires, including benzene, phthalates, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, VOC's, etc, as still present. If anything, there is more exposure due to the increased surface area.

Thank you.

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