Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


At about 12:41am, on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, officers from Area E-13 (Jamaica Plain) responded to a radio call for shots fired in the area of 265 Centre Street. After conducting a search of the area, officers located a black male in his 20’s suffering from what appeared to be a gunshot wound. The victim was pronounced on the scene.

The Boston Police Department is actively investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding this incident. Anyone with information is strongly urged to contact the Boston Police Homicide Unit at (617) 343-4470.

Community members who wish to assist this investigation anonymously can call the CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1(800)494-TIPS or text the word ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463). The Boston Police Department is interested only in your information, not your identity.

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We adore JP (and have lived there for almost 7 years). The recent increase in criminal activity could be a random statistical blip or a trend. In either case, I no longer feel safe in my own neighborhood ... or even walking a short distance to or from the T. As we are thinking of starting a family soon, being safe is an absolute priority. We are seriously considering selling (even if we take a loss) and moving in the next few months. Am I simply being paranoid?
Short answer: Yes, obviously what you feel is what you feel but I think you're being a bit alarmist, statistically we have experienced increases in some areas of crime in E-13 from 2008 to 2009, but have decreased in other areas.


Long answer:

What does "being safe" mean to you? Why after living here for 7 years do you now, as of this moment, feel "unsafe"? I've lived in two different parts of JP for over 5 years and don't really feel any different now than I did before. I am frustrated by an obvious increase in street muggings from last year when other districts are not experiencing them, but otherwise, things are the same. Is it possible that you are just becoming more aware of what crimes do occur in our neck of the woods? Did you always pay attention to crime reports as you do now? Increased access to information could be causing your increased sense of "danger." If you didn't know about it before, you never thought it could happen.

It seems to me that from some of your posts you are linking incidents together that to you, increase your feeling of being less safe, whether it be the recent Bromley-Heath shooting or the Tedeschi's holdup.


I'm sure you remember last year (or perhaps it was '07) that a guy was shot and killed in broad daylight on the basketball court near Stony Brook or the fight that led to a murder on the corner of the Jamaicaway and Perkins or some of the other shootings that have happened at Bromley-Heath or the Academy Homes, or even the elderly woman who was killed in her home in central JP.

It is an unfortunate reality that JP has random and non-random acts of violence such as these. The frequency of that hasn't really changed that much over the years.

As for property damage, if your car gets broken into in Boston proper, it's pretty easy to find someone else you know that has experienced the same thing. That also happens and will continue to happen.

As for the muggings, sure, the numbers are up. I'm not sure how those statistics breakdown throughout the entire E-13 area, but we have seen what appears to be an increased number in our area, which as I said before frustrates me. I think that the increased number of robberies needs to be addressed by the city and police department and more importantly, the actual results of these increased efforts need to be communicated to us.

And....while I do appreciate advice of how to less make yourself a target is helpful, I think to a degree that there has been an unfortunate side effect of that advice that would lead some to feel "unsafe." To me, at least, there can be somewhat of a tone that the victim was "responsible" (albeit to a small degree) for being a robbery victim. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you are going to be a victim of crime and that's the randomness of life. Were you using a phone, did you go to the right side of the street, did you have anything valuable looking? Who knows, okay? Stuff happens. The anxiety of not being able to control that affects many of us and in different ways.
I appreciate the thoughtful reply --- and in some sense, this is exactly the kind of reassurance that I needed.

If we do move, I want to make the decision on my own terms (not due to a few isolated incidents).

And BTW, we are truly neighbors ... as we live right near the Stonybrook stop as well.
All very good points. I am far more hyper-aware now because of sites like this (and because of the rapid news cycle in general) --- and likely that has led to my current feeling/frustrations.
I just wanted to second the fact that just because crimes are reported/brought to your attention doesn't necessarily mean things are more dangerous (although it certainly could be the case). Everything's relative, for a truly informative crime map/statistics breakdown, we should have the change that you'll get mugged near Stony Brook compared to the chance it'll happen elsewhere. Or the change that you'll loose that 100 dollars on the stock market! Money in your wallet while napping outside stony brook might just be the safest place to keep it ;).

Ditto for physical safety. Walking on any sidewalk is still probably healthier for you than driving on the Boston roads. It's just that shootings are easier to be afraid of than bad drivers.
Thanks for sharing this perspective John!
Thanks for posting.


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