Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

>I'm having with a problem Lodging house next store to me on Green St. in J.P. There are at least 20 adults (mostly men)  living in the house and most of them a criminal past. On Friday night
when my daughter's puppy was in our fenced yard she barked at one of the men
who lives at the house who regularly taunts her by making barking sounds or
throwing bottles at her. Another male who lives in the house stepped out on
the porch and claimed he would shoot our dog.yes"">  Since I didn't know his name and I had never seen him before I waited until the next day to call the landlord. Even though I provided him with a description of the man, but he didn't know who he was.  Apparently he is a new resident.  I called the police but since I wasn't able to provide a name they were unable to take action on this issue. This is not the first time this has happened.


The issue is that this house is dangerous because the residents who live here can and do threatenedtheir neighbors on a regular basis and the  house is a hideout from detection. In fact Ed Corless the  guy who has been charged with the murder at Tdeski's in late december was able to hide out here for a week and evade police.  Other neighbors have observed some of the residents selling drugs and paying homeless people for sex.  

The house is a legal boarding house and according to Inspectional Service is in any violations of any codes.  Do anyone have any recommendations for dealing with this problem?


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Call both the E-13 community service office at 617-343-5624 and ISD at 617-635-1010
Thank you for your replay. I have contacted Eric Krause after seeing the E-13 community service on this Neighbors for Neighbors site. :>) I have already been in touch with Inspectional Services department but I was told that the house has been a lodging house since before the zoning codes existed and therefore anything goes in the house.

I'm hopeful that my meeting at E-13 will be productive and will keep you posted.
Hi Carolyn,

I got the neighborhood together for the first meeting last month. It was a pot luck in Starr Lane Park and went really well. I'm sorry I didn't have the time to let you know in advance. I have a harrassment order taken out on my neighbor (in the lodging house) and it's taken so much of my time.

We have set a next meeting date for Thursday, Sept. 16th from 7:00 - 8:00 and will again meet in Starr Lane Park. My neighbors are interested in knowing more about crime prevention and what the responsibilities of a crime watch group are. If you could join us that would be fabulous. Let me know,

Thanks so much!

Eileen McMahon


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